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About Holy Trinity

We the people of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church commit to love God with our hearts, minds and souls; and our neighbors as ourselves by:


Worshiping together weekly.

Continue education to empower life within the church.

Listening and speaking with open minds and open hearts.

Supporting each other in our daily lives and ministries.

Inviting and welcoming each other to participate in the life of the parish.

Prayerfully embracing change for growth both in and outside of our congregation.

Discerning, calling, accepting and supporting calls to ministry.

Encouraging, valuing and supporting youth in their lives and ministries.

We pledge to do these things with God’s help and to His Glory.

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We seek to speak directly to the members of our community that are and feel marginalized. We wish to say that our church recognizes that all members of the human family, regardless of where they are on life's journey, are beloved children of God. Why are we doing this? When the world is decisive, God remains the same - a loving God of mercy, grace and justice. If the church does not communicate that to the community then we speak with our silence, and we speak for God. However, God asks us, as he asked Moses on Mt. Sinai, to act. Currently, there are few ways for the marginalized to feel supported and loved by their community members. The simple act of public acceptance and invitation to our marginalized community members makes a clear statement that they don't have to be alone and that they don't have to be separated from God. 

Therefore, to all, we offer grace and love when they enter our doors. All are Welcome. 


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Rev. Ron Philips

Local Priest


Vern Miller

Senior Warden

Karen Shafer


John Anderson

Jr. Warden

Isabelle Willson


Rachel Miller
Kyle Braaten
Shelley Butler
Barb Rice
Aimee Kay
Dustin Hunt
Lily Hayes
Michelle McCawley


Music Amplifier Repair

Media Tech

Alec Martinez


Parish Administrator

Karen Shafer

Marilyn Salvation Army.HEIC


Marilyn Braaten



Long before an Episcopal Church made its appearance in Thermopolis, The Reverend John Roberts had come to the Wind River Reservation to minister to the Shoshone and Arapahoe Native Americans. He did not confine his work to the reservation alone, but travelled all over the country. He camped once in the future site of the town of Thermopolis and his camp was attacked by bears, one of the many harrowing experiences he endured. Yet he continued on the ministry he began in 1883 focusing on the people of the reservation and reaching beyond, preaching whenever he could get a group together, this included the area of Thermopolis. 

Winding Forest Road
Contact Us
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642 Arapahoe Street, Thermopolis, USA

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